With the Governor’s recommendations that everyone stay home, we are doing our part by trying to only see patients in-person at our clinic that are essential – meaning patients with new acute injuries or recent surgeries – starting at the end of business day today.
We will still be seeing patients through telehealth using our phones and computers. Do you already use FaceTime or Skype to video chat? This could be an option for you!
We are planning to be able to securely do this by the end of this week. We would most likely start offering telehealth services next week. Initially those services will be performed by Dave and Michelle Wieber, our owners.
Would you like to try this type of visit? Please call the office at 507-333-2986. If prompted, leave a message and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
Thank you, and we look forward to being able to serve you and help you get back to life (in the future).
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